网赌正规真人实体在线平台 complies with the spirit and letter of state and federal laws, regulations and executive orders pertaining to civil rights, 第九条, equal opportunity 以及平权法案. 加拿大广播公司不因种族、肤色、信仰、 religion, national or ethnic origin, parental status or families with children, marital status, sex (gender), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetic information, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal (allowed by law) by a person with a disability, or any other prohibited basis 在其教育计划或就业. 可以提出问题或投诉 人力资源副总裁科里·奥斯本 & 法律事务和网赌正规真人实体在线平台的 第九条/EEO协调员,电话:509-542-5548. 鼓励残疾人士 参加所有学院主办的活动和项目. 如果你有残疾, and require an accommodation, please 联系 the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Disability Support Services at 509-542-4412或华盛顿中继服务711或1-800-833-6384. 此通知 是否可按要求以其他媒体提供.
第九条 protects students from discrimination based on their “actual or potential parental, family, or marital status” or based on a student’s pregnancy, childbirth, 假怀孕、终止妊娠或妊娠恢复.” 20 U.S.C. §1681 节. (2006); 34 C.F.R. §106.40).
Once the student identifies they fit the criteria under 第九条, the College must:
- Provide equal access to school for pregnant and parenting (including lactating) students.
- Provide equal access to extracurricular activities for 怀孕及育儿学生.
- Excuse absences due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the doctor deems medically 必要的. 超过此时间,学生必须恢复到持有时的身份 休假开始了.
- Ensure an individual professor’s attendance policy does not conflict with 第九条 需求.
- 治疗与怀孕、分娩、终止妊娠有关的残疾 recovery in the same manner and under the same policies as any other temporary disability 或者身体状况.
The College cannot terminate a scholarship based on pregnancy, tell pregnant students they should drop out or switch programs, or exclude qualified pregnant students from 通过实习、职业轮岗等方式获得“实地工作”的机会.
In the past, there has been some confusion by the designation of “parenting” as if 这意味着它适用于父母的义务,而不是身体或 怀孕的生理方面. 休假与医疗有关 因怀孕需要休假的. 这并不意味着允许儿童进入 in the classroom or that a student (mother or father) is excused from class for childcare, 产假或其他与怀孕无关的假期. 你的出勤政策是不一样的 unaffected, and as always you may use your discretion to excuse absences for students 与孩子有关的问题,只要你认为合适.
如果你想咨询或澄清,请给科里·奥斯本发邮件 在cosborn@columbiabasin.或Jackie Marrast-Simpson (jmarrast-simpson@columbiabasin).edu.
1. 学校是否需要为学生因怀孕或分娩而缺课提供理由?
是的,第九条要求学校为学生因怀孕缺课提供理由 or related 条件s; including recovery from childbirth, for as long as the student’s 医生认为从医学角度来说缺席是必要的. 当他们回来的时候,他们必须恢复原职 他们在休假开始时的身份,这应该包括给他们 补课的机会. 教授可能会给学生提供其他选择 to making up missed work such as allowing the student to take an incomplete for later 课程完成.
The college or university can require a pregnant student to provide a doctor’s certification
of fitness to continue in an education program or activity only if the same requirement
is imposed on all other students with physical or emotional disabilities requiring
医生的护理. 如果教授想要医生的健康证明
or excuse for the leave taken for a student, Lucas DeLuca, Director for Disability
Support Services (DSS), or another member of DSS, can assist by evaluating whether
鉴于其他学生的残疾,我们也要求他们这样做. 教员或职员
member may also refer pregnant students to DSS for other assistance, such as resources
和信息. 可以通过电子邮件dss@columbiabasin与DSS联系.Edu或致电
509-542-4412 (ext. 2252).
2. 如果教授根据出勤率调整分数,是否可以降低分数
No. 学生不能因怀孕或相关情况而受到处罚. 如果是教授 provides specific “points” or other advantages to students based on class attendance, the student must be given the opportunity to earn back the credit from classes missed 因怀孕,使该生可以恢复到以前持有的身份 学生告辞了。.
3. 机构/学校是否必须让学生补课
是的,联邦法律要求教授允许学生补课 while out due to pregnancy or a related 条件, including recovery from childbirth. For example, if a doctor’s note excuses the student from class for several weeks because of “bed rest” before giving birth, professors must provide the student with the appropriate assignments 和信息 to make up the work required to be completed while 缺席. The makeup assignments and tests must be reasonably equivalent to those missed, but 不必完全相同. 取决于学术教学或课程的性质 (e.g.(临床轮转),这可能是不可行的和其他形式的修改 可能需要做什么.
4. Can a professor have an absence/makeup policy that applies regardless of any medical 条件?
No. 虽然教授可能有严格的出勤政策,但学院或大学 受联邦民权法的约束吗. 第九条要求学院或大学 to ensure that all faculty and staff comply with the law and do not discriminate against 怀孕及育儿学生.
5. 这个学生想减25美分. 学生能保持他们的身份,奖学金, 等.?
不一定,这取决于学校的休假政策. 如果他们想要 off more time than the doctor says is medically 必要的, the student will need to 查阅学院的非病假政策. 谢丽尔·霍尔顿的办公室会解决的 any financial aid issues resulting from leaves that may result in withdrawal or leave 四分之一或更多.
-民权办公室知道你的权利:http://www2.ed.gov /关于/办公室/清单/ ocr / docs / dcl -知道权利- 201306 -标题- ix.html
-支持孕妇的学业成功 & 家长学生手册: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/pregnancy.pdf
第九条保护正在护理的个人免于被迫做出选择 学校和母乳喂养. 雇主必须提供浴室以外的地方 这是一个隐蔽的地方,不受同事和公众的干扰. We have designated spaces for both student and employee use on the Pasco and Richland 校园. 有关网赌正规真人实体在线平台哺乳室的更多信息,请访问:http://rjjjob.yardsaleshop.net/i-am/current-hawk/student-resources/lactation-rooms/index.html.
鼓励残疾人士 to participate in all college sponsored
活动和节目. 如果你有残疾,需要住宿,请
联系 the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Disability Support Services at 509-542-4412 or the Washington Relay
服务电话:711或1-800-833-6384. 本通告可透过其他媒体透过
El Colegio Columbia Basin cumple con el espíritu y la letra de las leyes estatales
y federales, reglamentos y órdenes ejecutivas correspondientes a los derechos civiles,
Título九,机会由acción确定. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台没有歧视
A la raza,颜色,信条,religión, origen nico o nacional, situación de tutela o
familias con niños, estado civil, sexo (género), orientación sexual, identidad o expresión
de género, edad, características genéticas, veterano militar dado de baja honorablemente
o estatus militar, o con cualquier discapacidad sensorial, mental o física, o el uso
de un perro guía o animal de servicio (permitido por ley) para una persona con discapacidad,
没有任何其他基础禁止在SUS方案中作为教育或实验室. 拉斯维加斯preguntas
o quejas deben ser enviadas al vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos y Asuntos Legales
y协调员del Título IX de 网赌正规真人实体在线平台,科里·奥斯本,al (509) 542-5548.
Se anima a las personas con discapacidades a participar en todos los eventos y programas
Patrocinados por el collegio. 我认为这是必要的伤残adaptación
especial, por favor póngase en 联系o con los Servicios de Apoyo de 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 al (509)
542-4412或联系华盛顿中继服务711或1-800-833-6384. 埃斯特